Tag: Clough Ltd
Wheatstone Project LNG product loading facility
Clough Ltd has announced that the BAM Clough Joint Venture has been awarded a contract by Bechtel, for the design and construction of the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project LNG product loading facility and tug berths near Onslow, Western Australia.
Clough wins Thai contract
Clough Ltd and Unithai Engineering Ltd have won a USD 28 million contract to design and build wellhead platforms and subsea pipelines for Unocal Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand.
Clough secures Indian gas project
Clough Ltd has announced that its Offshore Division has been awarded a contract in excess of ASD 100 million for the Hazira Gas Project, located in the Bay of Cambay on the west coast of India for operator Niko Resources of Canada and Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd (GSPC).
Clough in Indonesian gas project
A Clough subsidiary and a Nippon Corporation subsidiary have received a letter of intent for the Gajah Baru Gas Export Project, located in the West Natuna Sea.