Tag: BP
Cooper Cameron preferred supplier
Cooper Cameron Corporation's Cameron division has entered into a second five-year preferred supplier agreement with BP Exploration, a unit of BP p.l.c., to provide subsea wellheads, christmas trees and associated "through life of field" services for their U.K. Continental Shelf assets.
NOx reduction for BP
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. has been awarded an engineering and procurement (EP) services contract by BP to help the company achieve its voluntary commitment to reduce NOx emissions at three BP Products North America facilities in the Houston area.
BP to develop Aspen discovery
BP has announced an agreement with Nexen Petroleum USA Inc. that will bring BP's Aspen (Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico) discovery into production by the end of this year.
“Crazy Horse” changes name
BP Plc has dropped "Crazy Horse" as the name for a giant offshore oil discovery in the US Gulf of Mexico out of respect to descendants of the Native American warrior of the same name.
Honeywell wins Mexican Gulf contract
BP has selected Honeywell's Industry Solutions business, along with Mustang Automation and Control, as the control system vendor and integration supplier for the planned development of the BP Deepwater Development fields in the Gulf of Mexico.
Pertamina signs oil deals
Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina has signed new oil and gas contracts with BP, Conoco and Amerada Hess, a Pertamina official has said.
Jacobs wins Dutch refining contracts
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. has announced that a subsidiary company has received a letter of intent from the Netherlands Refining Company bv (Nerefco) to take over multiple ongoing projects at their oil refinery in The Netherlands.
BP signs Crazy Horse Hull contract
BP has signed a Letter of Intent with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company, Ltd of South Korea for detailed design, fabrication and transport of a semi-submersible unit for the Crazy Horse project in the Gulf of Mexico.
US chemical companies produce own electricity
The Dow Chemical Company, BP and Occidental Chemical Company all have something new in common. These companies, along with a growing list of their peers, are increasingly turning to combined heat and power (CHP) generation.
Utility seeks LNG partners
Spain's third-largest power utility, Union Fenosa, is talking to several companies interested in participating in its LNG plant in Egypt.