Tag: additive manufacturing

powdered metal

Challenges and opportunities in the additive manufacturing of stainless steels. Part...

Addressing the challenge of hydrogen embrittlement in metallurgy
Austenitic stainless steels are an ideal candidate material for fusion-based additive manufacturing processes including wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM).

Challenges and opportunities in the additive manufacturing of stainless steels. Part...

Addressing the challenge of hydrogen embrittlement in metallurgy
Additive manufacturing using a laser-based directed energy deposition process.

Challenges and opportunities in the additive manufacturing of stainless steels –...

Addressing the challenge of hydrogen embrittlement in metallurgy
Erfurt Tramlink

In a world of rising prices, duplex appears more attractive than...

Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing allows 3D-printing of large objects at less expense and in a far shorter time. After years of extensive research, commercialization has begun, and heavy industry is set to be transformed.
Fronius prototyping centre supports commercial sectors

Fronius prototyping centre supports commercial sectors

Fronius supports industrial and commercial enterprises at its prototyping centre in Wels, Austria. Companies that want to take advantage of new trends have a big...
3D Metalforge with Hitachi expands its AM powders

3D Metalforge with Hitachi expands its AM powders

3D Metalforge announced that it is working with Hitachi Metals Singapore Pte. Ltd (Hitachi Metals Singapore) to expand its range of advanced additive metal...
Applicable Additive manufacturing technologies_additive-manufacturing-website

Applicable Additive manufacturing technologies

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have emerged recently but have very quickly drawn a lot of attention thanks to their very attractive set of properties...
Evolution of O2-based inclusions in an additively manufactured super-duplex

Evolution of O2-based inclusions in an additively manufactured super-duplex

A recent study has shown that super-duplex stainless steel powder feedstocks specified for use in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing processes can have an oxygen composition nearly five times higher than that present in comparable wrought forms.
WZR installs sinter furnace for metal AM

WZR installs sinter furnace for metal AM

WZR Ceramic Solutions, Rheinbach, Germany, has installed a Carbolite Gero metal sintering furnace to advance its sintering programme.
Printdur HSA honored with MP Innovation Award_Bild 1_Photo 1

Printdur® HSA honored with MP Innovation Award

High-strength, stainless, austenitic steel for Additive Manufacturing – this is what Printdur® HSA offers. The steel powder innovation from Deutsche Edelstahlwerke (DEW) was recently awarded the MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award 2021.