Swagelok software

Swagelok® independent sales and service centres offer a complete line of eBusiness solutions to help end-customers research, specify, and purchase Swagelok fluid system components. End-customers can search for thousands of fluid system components, get quotes, buy products, or check order status through their selected independent sales and service centre’s eStore. The products eStore enables purchasing in local currency and is now available in six languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Product catalogues, sales drawings, and CAD templates are also available. For end-customers without online access, there is the Swagelok Products CD-ROM Collection – the same features available online are offered on a CD.
Swagelok independent sales and service centers support a full set of electronic data interchange (EDI/EDIFACT) transactions, including quotes, orders, invoices, and acknowledgements. Each EDI system is integrated seamlessly with internal business systems, so orders are processed quickly and accurately. Support is also available for participation in marketplaces, with catalogue extracts and marketplace punchouts/round trip.

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