Swagelok Company

Swagelok Company (Solon, Ohio, USA) has expanded its website. It now offers more product and corporate information, references, and multilingual e-commerce links. Access to thousands of Swagelok products, product literature, CAD/sales drawings, reference materials, and online purchasing capabilities from independent Swagelok sales and service centres – all are available from the homepage of the Swagelok website at www.swagelok.com. Features of the website include: a search function to locate Swagelok products quickly, based on system parameters; the latest product information, including catalogues, technical papers, and a variety of CAD template file formats; expanded corporate information, including a company history page, fact sheet, and executive biographies; faster registration and more electronic shopping options through independent Swagelok sales and service centre’s Swagelok products eStore. Every quote or order is reviewed for accuracy, delivered, and serviced through the end-customer selected independent sales and service center’s eStore. The eStore enables purchasing in local currency and is now available in four languages: English, French, German, and Spanish.

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