Supermartensitics conference: call for papers

The Belgian Welding Institute has announced the first call for papers for the second Supermartensitic Stainless Steels Conference 2002, which will take place on 3-4 October 2002 in Brussels, Belgium. Stainless Steel World will both sponsor and official conference journal. The chairman will be Mr Alfred Dhooge of the Belgian Welding Institute. The specialised conference programme will bring together designers, fabricators, material specialists, end users, steel works and research institutes to exchange experience and technical information. The conference promises to become again an international platform where professionals can update their knowledge on the potential of supermartensitic stainless steels. Alongside the conference will be an exhibition associated with the event. The conference is organised by the Belgian Welding Institute in co-operation with the EC Growth Project JOTSUP. The scientific committee welcomes participation through the submission of papers or oral presentations in the following fields: service and applications, metallurgy, welding, fabrication, manufacturing, toughness requirements and corrosion. The deadline for submitting papers is 1 November 2001. For more information regarding the conference please contact the Conference Secretariat at the Belgian Welding Institute, Ms Marie-Anne Sorgeloos, tel: +32 9 264 3254, fax: +32 9 223 7326, e-mail:

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