Statoil to drill 9 more wells in the Arctic

Statoil is increasing its Arctic activities with a plan to drill nine wells during a non-stop 2013 Norwegian Barents exploration campaign. The drilling will begin in Nunatak in the Skrugard area in December. The company will complete four wells in this area over a six-month period. “These wells are time critical, as any additional resources will make the Skrugard development even more robust,” said Tim Dodson, Statoil Exploration executive vice president.
Two-three wells will be drilled in the Hoop frontier exploration area further north in the Barents in the summer of 2013. These will be the northernmost wells ever drilled in Norway. The 2013 Barents drilling campaign will finish in the Hammerfest basin.
“We’ve secured a five-year contract for Seadrill’s West Hercules drilling rig. The rig is currently being prepared for Arctic conditions, and can be used to drill consecutively in the region for years to come,” Dodson said in a press release. “The Skrugard discovery has reignited interest in the Barents. A number of major companies that had left the area will be looking to make their way back in. The competition will be fierce, but we’ve built up a strong track record here, and our application will reflect this.”
Statoil already has a strong presence in the Barents. The company has been involved in 89 exploration wells drilled in the Norwegian Barents Sea.
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