Stainless steel awards offer opportunities

Architects, specifiers and developers have the opportunity of raising the level of awareness of their companies and services, both locally and internationally, through the Stainless Steel Awards programme. According to Dr Oliver Damm, executive director of Sassda (Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association) which runs the programme, participation in the Awards programme offers an opportunity to show off an organisation’s expertise and excellence. The awards have been designed to promote excellence by stimulating creativity, competitiveness and productivity. Damm says that it is the ultimate opportunity to showcase a company’s expertise. The Stainless Steel Awards programme has all the right elements with categories covering areas such as export achievement, product development, service excellence, welding, etc. etc. thereby giving most organisations an opportunity to compete. Damm urges companies to participate in the awards programme and carry the banner not only for South Africa but for their own individual companies as well.

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