So you want to build it in stainless steel

Hence the British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA) and the Institute of Materials (IOM) have teamed up with other industry partners, to offer a workshop entitled “So you want to build it in stainless steel!â€? to be held on Tuesday 28 May 2002 at the IOM’s central London headquarters. Topics include: guidance on the use of stainless steel in architecture, building and construction; selecting and specifying stainless steel surface finishes; design and fabrication of stainless-steel doors, windows and interior fittings; welding and post-weld treatment of stainless steels; forming and fastening stainless-steel wall panels; design and use of stainless-steel masonry support systems; and the importance of quality assurance and good site practice. The speakers will illustrate the underlying principles of the topics presented with a series of case studies. The registration fee is GBP 150 (plus VAT), to include course materials, coffee, tea and buffet lunch. At a cost of GBP 225 (plus VAT), there is also the opportunity for companies with relevant products or services to take up exhibition space and provide a delegate for the day.

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