Select-Arc Inc. has introduced two duplex stainless steel electrodes, SelectAlloy 2209-C and SelectAlloy 2553-AP. They are designed to provide resistance to intergranular corrosion, pitting and stress cracking. SelectAlloy 2209-C is a metal-cored wire utilized to weld duplex stainless steels of the 22Cr-9Ni-2Mo-N type. The weld deposit has a duplex microstructure of austenite and ferrite and normally gives ferrite in the range of 25-40 FN. This electrode is suitable for making small butt, lap and fillet welds on thin material at elevated speeds. SelectAlloy 2553-AP is a flux cored, all position electrode with a nominal composition of 25.5% chromium, 9.5% nickel, 3.5% molybdenum and .15% copper. The weld metal in SelectAlloy 2553-AP exhibits corrosion resistance, especially from chlorides in sea water. SelectAlloy 2209-C and 2553-AP can be used for welding in the chemical and fertilizer industries, and for many pipeline applications.