Sandvik contributes to the aerospace industry through its core business of machining and tooling solutions. Sandvik helps manufacturers produce various aircraft body and engine parts to the highest specifications and tolerances. The company is also helping to transform the aerospace industry by providing lighter and stronger materials that help aircraft fly more sustainably. Specifically, Sandvik is developing advanced stainless steel and titanium alloys that are used in the pipes and tubes that make up aircraft hydraulic systems.
Hydraulic systems are used in aircraft for various purposes, including the operation of wheel brakes, retractable landing gear, flight control surfaces, wing flaps, and doors. Larger types of planes are typically equipped with more than 1,000 m of hydraulic tubing.
The tubes that Sandvik supplies to the industry are made from titanium and special grades of stainless steel.
The work Sandvik is performing in this area, however, goes beyond the airline industry. It also supplies tubes for space applications.
The aircraft industry presents one of the biggest sustainability challenges to humanity that there is.