Sampling cylinders

Parker Instrumentation has launched a range of stainless steel sampling cylinders, conforming to the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED). The new TPED Series Cylinders are "hot spun" from 316 stainless steel tubing, providing a seamless finish for maximum integrity and corrosion resistance. This weld-free process provides a smooth internal flow path through the neck, minimising the pockets that can trap sample material – for easy cleaning after use. The cylinders allow the extraction of a sample from a process location, and provide safe containment for storage and transportation to the laboratory for analysis. Typical applications include hydrocarbon sampling in refineries, gas sampling in chromatography, and condensate sampling in fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. Sampling cylinders are also commonly used as pressure surge accumulators or reaction vessels. Four sizes are available: 150, 300, 500 and 1000cc; all are rated for use to 124bar (1800PSI). Precision, controlled-tolerance female NPT threads are machined at each end of the cylinders for connections with valves and fittings. The stainless steel material used is heat code traceable. This traceability follows each cylinder through manufacture, heat treating, cleaning and pressure testing. Parker offers a comprehensive range of accessories for use with the cylinders including valves and carrying handles.

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