Raskovic writes about duplex

Outotec’s Darko Raskovic has written about how different types and designs of stainless steel can be used to create minerals processing equipment. He explains that there are a number of minerals processing applications where stainless steel is the optimum, if not the only possible choice for equipment. Stainless steel tends to be relatively expensive on the outset, but has the advantages of better performance and longevity. There are two main categories of stainless steel for mineral processing applications. Austenitic steel is seen as the more ‘traditional’ choice, while duplex steel is more contemporary, and has two phases, austenite and ferrite. Generally, duplex steel offers the same or better corrosion properties than their austenitic counterparts. It also has roughly twice the yield strength of their counterpart, and thus requires less material. In terms of chloride stress corrosion cracking, all duplex alloys have better resistance than their austenitic counterparts. Duplex can also resist pitting corrosion better than austenitic steels. Duplex steels weigh less, and cost less to transport. However, transport costs are also affected by sheet size.
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