Spectrum Blue Steel and the Municipal Mayor for Santa Rosa Honorable Josefino M. Angeles have signed a joint venture agreement to develop, finance, design and engineer the construction and operation and maintenance of the new biosphere gasification facility in the city of Santa Rosa Nueve Ecija. Spectrum has agreed to set up a waste management facility using the biosphere MKV turning waste to energy using the gasification technology invented by Dr Chris McCormack – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Environmental Energy Corp. GEECF.OB. Spectrum Blue Steel’s Founder Ronald Flynn stated that it will help the city of Santa Rosa achieve Zero Waste Community and at the same time generate clean environment friendly electricity. The term of the SBS/Santa Rosa contract is for 25 years with the provision that both parties can extend the contract by mutual agreement. The municipality of Santa Rosa has agreed at their own cost that they will make available and buy the site, give access, and 100% right of way for the deployment of the biosphere facility. The site is located in Barangay Soledad Santa Rosa Nueva Ecija on 2 hectors of land. Spectrum will also collect all the relevant tipping fees for the collection of the MSW, in addition to recycling and pelletizing the garbage for clean green electricity.