Pampilla refinery extension

The Peruvian company Refinería La Pampilla SA, partly owned by the Repsol YPF Group, has awarded an EPC lump sum turn-key contract to a joint venture created between Technip-Coflexip and the Spanish group Dragados Industrial for a major extension of its refinery located in La Pampilla nearby Lima. The project mainly consists in the addition of new units like Vacuum, Visbreaker, Merox and Sour Water Treatment as well as the revamp of its crude unit and the related utilities. It will be mechanically completed in 23 months. Technip-Coflexip, who already built different units of La Pampilla refinery in the 1970s and Dragados Industrial will provide engineering services, supplies and construction for this project. This is the first significant co-operation project between Technip-Coflexip and Dragados Industrial.

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