Outokumpu to invest in mercury-cleaning technology

After a long-time study, Outokumpu’s Tornio plant has identified an appropriate mercury cleaning technology to reduce mercury emissions. Outokumpu will invest in mercury cleaning technology at Tornio plant. Mercury is a foreign matter in stainless steel production: Outokumpu does not use mercury at all in its stainless steel production. Yet small amounts end up in the process using recycled steel, which sometimes contains mercury.

Says Hannu Hautala, senior vice president, Outokumpu Tornio Business Line: “We have found a method that is suitable for use in the Tornio melt shop process, and cleaning equipment has been piloted since last summer. The method proved to be effective and safe, and Outokumpu has made an investment decision of EUR 400,000 to acquire own installations”.

Based on test results, mercury cleaners further reduce Tornio plant mercury emissions significantly. Outokumpu is among the few stainless steel producers who monitor mercury concentration and emissions with continuous measurements, and has acquired a second continuous measuring device.

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