Outokumpu and Fissler join forces in emission reduction

Outokumpu and Fissler have agreed on the first deliveries of the world’s first towards-zero stainless steel, Outokumpu Circle Green®, with up to 92% lower carbon footprint than the industry average.
For premium cookware producers like Fissler, customers are more and more requiring that the products they acquire are sustainable. One of the key elements in sustainability for Fissler is to produce cookware that lasts for decades and sometimes even generations, and that is where stainless steel, 100% recyclable, can offer the possibility.
Outokumpu’s Circle Green production was the first of its kind globally, as no other stainless steel manufacturer has been able to produce stainless steel with such low emission levels when taking into account all the climate emissions from raw material extraction through the whole production chain.
Outokumpu has its own ambitious target for further reducing its carbon footprint, currently 70% lower than the industry average for its regular products and up to 92% lower with Circle Green product line.

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