Order to upgrade Romanian power plants

Honeywell Industry Solutions has been awarded over USD 2 million in orders for automation projects using process control systems, instruments, and engineering services at multiple SC Termoelectrica SA power plants in Romania. The automation solution at Iasi, Romania, employs Honeywell’s process control system and also includes field instrumentation and control valves. The solution controls two 50-MW gas and oil co-generation units. The first phase of the automation project was implemented in the second quarter of 2001, with Honeywell supplying engineering, commissioning, and start-up services. The second phase of the project will be completed during the fourth quarter of 2002. At Iernut, Romania, Honeywell’s process control system is to be installed on a 100-MW gas condensing unit along with field instrumentation, control valves, and analysers. Honeywell will also provide engineering, commissioning, and start-up, scheduled for completion during the fourth quarter of 2002. An additional 100-MW unit is planned for the Iernut power plant. Honeywell Romania will also install process control systems for coalhouse handling, boiler control, high-pressure pipe control, and field instrumentation at three other Termoelectrica power plants in 2002. These projects, located at Paroseni, Bacau, and Pitesti, include all engineering and project services to improve the efficiency at the power plants.

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