Obituary to Jan Christiansen

19.11.1949 – 19.01.2015Jan Christiansen

It is with great sadness that we announce that we have been informed of the death of Jan Christiansen who worked for many decades at Stalatube.

Jan Christiansen was responsible for making Stalatube international by increasing the export rate of the company remarkably. He started his career as Area Manager, then became Export Manager, Marketing Director, and Vice President from 1990–1995. Between 1995–2005 he was President. In 2005 he opened up the way for the current President Mr. Jukka Nummi to take over and Jan reverted to the position of Vice President until he voluntarily retired because of health issues.

Jan was an icon within the stainless steel industry. Friendly, considerate, charming, knowledgeable, fun loving are just some of the words that can be used to describe him. By staff at KCI Publishing he will be sorely missed. We wish his wife and family much strength during the coming time.

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