New sanitary fittings

Now available from AdvantaPure are sanitary fittings that meet both 3-A and ASME-BPE specifications. Manufactured to mate with the company line of sanitary tubing and hose, the fittings now offer an added degree of safety for critical process applications, such as those in the food, dairy, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, bio-medical, and chemical industries. In addition to meeting 3-A standards and ASME-BPE specifications (for dimensional requirements and surface finish), the AdvantaPure line of fittings offers: 316L stainless steel material; smooth, radiused edges; documented lot traceability with identification markings on each fitting; and documented quality control. Specific fitting styles consist of sanitary male and female I-line and bevel seats; Tri-Clamp, mini Tri-Clamp, and Tri-Clamp elbows; male and female cam and groove; tube weld adapters; and pipe weld adapters. Sizes range from 1/4 through to 4 inches, and all fittings are crimp applied using mating hose collars.

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