Morocco: refinery upgrade

Foster Wheeler Ltd has announced that its Italian subsidiary Foster Wheeler Italiana SpA has been awarded a project management consultancy contract by Societe Anonyme Marocaine de l’Industrie de Raffinage (SAMIR) for a major upgrade and expansion of its Mohammedia refinery, located near Casablanca, Morocco. SAMIR’s upgrading program, which has a total investment cost of USD 650 million, aims to increase refinery capacity, maximize gas-oil production and improve product quality specifications to meet the distillate requirements of the Moroccan market by 2010. The total refinery throughput will be 6.25 million tons/year, equivalent to about 121,000 barrels/day. The upgrading and expansion program includes new conversion and auxiliary units: a vacuum distillation unit, a hydro-cracker, a distillate hydro-treater, a sulphur recovery unit and a hydrogen plant. The refinery enhancement is expected to be completed by June 2008.

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