Marine Corrosion Club
The Marine Corrosion Club is organising its annual series of technical presentations in the UK. The meetings will be held in London, Birmingham and Aberdeen, the next being on Tuesday, 9 April in Aberdeen. Topics at these meetings include the use of stainless steel (including austenitic and superduplex) and other alloys in offshore oil & gas engineering, erosion, corrosion and cracking, and material selection for sub-sea pipes.
The Marine Corrosion Club exists to act as the chief organisation for the dissemination of information relating to all aspects of marine corrosion. The club comprises a group of companies who operate in the various marine industries, including offshore oil & gas, shipping, defence, coastal development and desalination. Membership is open to both UK-based and companies operating outside the UK. Companies involved with the marine environment and its interaction with materials and equipment are likely to benefit from membership of this organisation. The association holds four one-day presentation and discussion meetings in the UK each year, organises longer marine corrosion forum workshops when appropriate, carries out regular literature searches and maintains a lively website. To find out more, contact the Marine Corrosion Club Secretariat, tel./fax: +44 1889 568090; e-mail:; website: