A specialist metalworking company, experienced in all types of welding, wanted to establish the reason why some welds occasionally failed. This knowledge would enable them to prevent future failures and increase their quality and service to customers. By using the Datataker DT605 data logging system the company was able to monitor temperature, weld pressure, weld current and voltage to provide a complete profile of each weld. Weld profiles could be stored for retrieval or printed out, enabling engineers to analyse performance and maintain quality. Variances from preset levels could be pin-pointed and alarmed to enable operators to take preventative action before a weld problem occurred. The Datataker DT605 can be tailored to meet a wide variety of needs. Internal data storage gives approximately 165,000 data points of recording. SRAM PC Card memory can be upgraded to 4Mbyte for greater flexibility and speed of operation and Flash memory firmware can be updated direct from the PC. The DT605 has up to 30 analogue channels, seven digital and counter channels and expansion ports for up to two expansion modules each with 30 analogue channels. Most sensors can be connected directly without needing additional signal conditioning. The DT605 incorporates a key panel and an LCD display for channel data, alarms, battery status and data capacity. Datatakers can be used as stand-alone units, for remote use with GSM dial-up connection, and can be used in a network of up to 32 Datatakers.