Linsinger’s new steel milling machine

The Austrian manufacturer of special purpose machines LINSINGER, has set new standards in stainless steel milling. The first stainless steel plate edge milling machine has been in service since Autumn 2011 on the premises of a leading producer of stainless steel pipes where pipes for the natural gas and oil industry (petrochemical) are manufactured.

The machine from the Linsinger PFM series ensures the optimum preparation of the welding seams on the two long sides of the stainless steel plates. The machine has a vertical plate waviness tracking function and the milling units work over the whole plate length with high precision. This allows the whole milling profile to be produced in a single working step on both long sides at the same time. This is a decisive plus point for perfect welding, which should ideally be produced in one go.

Photo courtesy of Linsinger

Another advantage of the PFM is its huge flexibility. All parameters can be adapted to the different types of stainless steels. As the machine measures each plate separately, even the smallest batch sizes can be produced efficiently. With this innovative concept, Linsinger sets new standards in accuracy, speed and efficiency when machining stainless steel.

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