Kerner to replace Grolms at IG Metall in Frankfurt

Markus Grolms, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp AG, is resigning from his position. Following the proposal of IG Metall, the Duisburg local court appointed Jürgen Kerner, Chief Treasurer and Executive Board member of IG Metall in Frankfurt, as a successor of Markus Grolms.

IG Metall has also informed thyssenkrupp AG that it will propose Markus Grolms for the soon to be filled position of Labor Director and Human Resources Director for thyssenkrupp’s steel business. Grolms is expected to assume his new role on April 1, 2020. The change is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG.

Jürgen Kerner has been a member of the Executive Board since October 2011 and Chief Treasurer of IG Metall since November 2013. Kerner is an information electronics technician and responsible for the union’s finance, controlling, internal services and IT departments. He is also responsible for coordinating sector policy, which includes the steel industry, and the IG Metall team responsible for Siemens. As a Supervisory Board member, Kerner has already overseen the restructuring of various large German corporations.

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