JFE Steel deploys anomaly detection system

JFE Steel Corp. has deployed the J-dscom® system to detect signs of equipment anomalies at its steelworks and hot-rolling mills. The system has effectively reduced faults equivalent to over 50 operational hours per annum (over 30,000 metric tons of steel production) at the hot-rolling mill in JFE Steel’s West Japan Works in the Kurashiki District, where it was first deployed back in FY2018.

So far, the company has installed the system at all of the hot-rolling mills in its West Japan Works and East Japan Works. JFE Steel is working to build an optimal model across the entire company by deploying the same system in all locations, making it easy to share fault-monitoring models.

This system uses big-data analysis techniques to efficiently and comprehensively analyze vast amounts of data on operating conditions, including electrical current, pressure, flow rate, temperature, and vibration. An anomaly score indicates the degree of deviation from the normal baseline, making it possible to prevent not only the sort of faults that have previously occurred but also unexpected issues.

Moreover, it is possible to immediately identify the part of equipment or system component experiencing an anomaly by using the heatmap display where the magnitude of anomaly score is mapped over time. JFE is Japan’s second largest producer of steel, stainless and specialty steels including duplex.

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