In Amenas gas project

BP PLC (BP) and Algeria’s state-run oil and natural gas concern Sonatrach will begin
development of the huge In Amenas gas fields in SE Algeria in early
2003, a BP Algeria spokesman has said. “We recently (signed) an agreement with Sonatrach to start the construction of a central processing facility at In Amenas, probably in the first quarter of next year,” spokesman Greg Saunders said. The work will include a liquefied natural gas plant, gas processing trains and a pipeline network to ship the gas to Algeria’s coastal export terminal at Skikda, he said. BP and Sonatrach plan to drill at least 15 wells and build three parallel pipelines to ship wet gas, liquefied petroleum gas and condensate to Sonatrach’s pipeline grid. The two partners expect to invest up to USD 1.1 billion during the 30-year life of the In Amenas exploitation license, Saunders added. The four In Amenas fields – Tiguentourine, Hassi Farida, Hassi Ouan Abecheu and Ouan Taredert – have proven reserves of up to 4 trillion standard cubic feet, Saunders said. Initially, reserves had been estimated at 3 trillion scf.

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