Hydrogen plant from Finland

The Finnish company Fortum Oil and Gas Oy, the operator of Scandinavia’s biggest refinery, has commissioned Uhde GmbH to design and supply equipment for a new hydrogen plant. The 155,000 Nm3/hour plant will be built at Porvoo, around 30 km east of Helsinki, and is due to come onstream in late autumn 2006. The contract includes the licence and engineering for the Uhde steam reformer, supply of equipment and also supervision of the construction and commissioning work. The contract is worth approximately EUR 25 million. The hydrogen produced will be used to convert residual oil to sulphur-free traffic fuels. The main component of this hydrogen plant will be the steam reformer, which will use Uhde technology characterised by high availability. The basic engineering contract for this hydrogen plant, which will also demonstrate a high degree of flexibility in relation to the gases used, was awarded to Uhde by Fortum Oil and Gas in mid-2002. In addition to natural gas, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and other refinery gases can also be used in various ratios tailored to the refinery’s needs.

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