Hardide develops titanium coating

Hardide, a provider of metal surface engineering technology, has successfully developed a process to enable the Hardide coating of titanium. In February 2009, the Group successfully coated its first titanium components for customers in the UK and US, as well as a number of its own test samples. Components manufactured from titanium can now benefit from the wear, abrasion and chemical resistant properties of Hardide. Titanium coating with Hardide has shown a load-bearing capacity with an absence of galling and wear, even under high load. Furthermore, Hardide demonstrates strong coating adhesion and does not require grinding to finish. This development gives Hardide access to the global titanium thermal spray coatings market estimated to be worth GBP 100 million per annum. The Group estimates that Hardide-suitable niche applications in the UK alone are worth GBP 10 million annually.
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