Grinding machines titanium faster than milling

Capable of halving milling cycle times on titanium alloys, a superabrasive high metal removal rate grinding process will machine these difficult metals typically at 50mm3/mm of wheel width/sec. Developed and patented world-wide by Raysun Innovative Design of Rugby, UK, the Diati process uses an electroplated diamond grit regular or form profiled wheels operating at wheel speeds of 50–150m/s and under internal and external high pressure coolant, to remove a high volume of titanium alloy in a small space of time. “It lends itself to the machining of non-ferrous alloys including titanium carbides, titanium alloys and ceramics,” said Steve Ray, managing director of Raysun.
The process will be made available commercially in the second half of 2004. The next stage of development is the machining of some 500 blades under production conditions to go into an engine.

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