Expansion at Tube and Wire 2002

The Düsseldorf trade fairs Wire 2000 and Tube 2000 are set to break records in terms of the amount of space booked. 1548 exhibitors have registered for the fairs so far, covering over 78,664 net m2. For Tube 2002, 598 companies have booked over 27,212 square metres, far more than in 2000.
Wire 2002 and Tube 2002 will take place in Düsseldorf from 8 to 12 April, and the number of exhibitors keeps growing. Wire 2002’s exhibitors hail from 46 countries. Of these, Germany has the largest, with 16,919 net m2, followed by Italy with 11,129 m2 and the UK with 2,722 m2. So far, 55 companies from the USA have registered for Wire 2002. Germany also accounts for the most exhibition space at Tube 2002, with 12,296 m2. The 93 Italian companies rank second with 5,336 m2, followed by The Netherlands, which have booked 1,344 m2 to date.
Messe Düsseldorf is still accepting registrations for wire 2002 and Tube 2002. Registration forms, conditions of participation plus further details and assistance for exhibitors and visitors can be found at www.wire.de and www.tube.de. Or you can contact Katharina von Falck/Liza Quick, tel. +49 211 4560 541 996; fax +49 211 4560 87541 87996; FalckKa@messe-duesseldorf.de; QuickL@messe-duesseldorf.de

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