Nowadays, reproducible welding quality and complete welding data documentation are the state of the art. But if welding takes place manually, these demands cannot be met. The solution is automation – even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Although automated welding processes achieve significantly more consistent welding results, SMEs frequently struggle with automation. High acquisition costs for welding robots and professional programming expertise are at odds with small batch sizes. The CWC-S Cobot welding cell from Fronius provides a solution to this mismatch.
Weld reproducibility is guaranteed in the Cobot welding cell every time. Intelligent Fronius welding technology controls the welding process and records all welding data as required. The WeldCube data management software serves to store and evaluate these data.
The welding torch is manually guided to the starting points, position points, and end points on the component and these are confirmed by pressing a button. The software uses this information to calculate the welding contours and welding sequence, while the required welding parameters can also be selected quickly using predefined characteristics.
Once the CWC-S is fully programmed, it welds component after component with consistent quality and at a regular speed.