CRP invest £3.5m to develop new technology capabilitie

The Core Research Programme (CRP) invests half of TWI’s Industrial Membership subscriptions, around £ 3.5m/annum, to develop new technology capabilities to be applied in industry in 3 5 years’ time. These services include technical enquiries, expert advice, and research and consultancy via single client and joint industry projects, drawing on leading laboratories. The CRP must therefore satisfy many requirements, which include addressing a range of technologies, meeting the needs of a range of industry sectors, and achieving an appropriate balance between disruptive and incremental innovation. 
The CRP is steered and monitored by the Research Board. The individuals are invited by the Director of Research and Technology to represent the interests of their industry sector and are from organisations that represent the broad cross-section of TWI’s Industrial Membership.
The CRP is a rolling programme of approximately 60 projects, with 10 15 new projects starting every year. Selection of new projects is via a process that ensures the needs of Industrial Members are addressed.
Three of the current research themes attracted particular interest from stakeholders during the selection of new projects: Additive manufacturing, Data processing and artificial intelligence, and Electrification.
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