Critical valve testing

The new Stroke-Test from Smith Flow Control (UK) is a device for testing critical valves without shutting down the process flow. The system operates by “valve partial stroke testingâ€?, which allows a safety system to close a valve only partially. So, when a Stroke-Test is fitted to a valve, it limits the movement of the actuator to within pre-set travel limits, for example 20 degrees. This means that all the valve control elements, such as solenoids, positioners and relays are tested, without the valve having to fully close. Since the valve is only partially closed during the test, the flow coefficient is not significantly affected and process flow continues. If the valve is inoperable due to a mechanical failure, misalignment, or some other control anomaly, it will be detected during the partial stroke test. The Stroke-Test uses stainless steel trim for all keys, shafts and sockets, and it is permanently lubricated, sealed and requires no routine maintenance.

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