Commissioner to approve Italy’s new LNG terminal

A state-appointed commissioner said that he would give the go-ahead for Italy’s new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the Tuscan port of Piombino, in time for it to start delivering gas in the spring. The infrastructure is part of Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s outgoing government’s plan to replace dwindling Russian gas supplies, which last year provided 38% of Italy’s needs.

Ferrari is concerned about potential negative impacts on the environment and health risks for the population while other critics say the big-scale project will likely keep Italy hooked on gas for longer, slowing down its transition to renewable energy.

The commissioner added that the approval would be issued with conditions to ensure safety, respect for the environment and the prevention of damage to the port’s infrastructure.

The new terminal will help refill the country’s storage system that will run almost empty by the end of this winter and shore up Italy’s energy security.

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