BUTTING contract completed

BUTTING has recently completed the largest single order for risers, wellheads and associated components for a longstanding customer in the well construction industry, for whom BUTTING supplied 8 wellheads and 408 risers. From the beginning of June to the end of December 2007, 2500m of pipe ready for application and around 840 flanges were processed at BUTTING’s production facility in Knesebeck, Germany. The prefabricated components in material 1.4462 (Duplex) will be used for a ground water extraction project in the desert of Saudi Arabia. Eight wells about 300m deep were opened up in the course of the project, each equipped with a wellhead with a 1m riser and 50 riser pipes 6m in length, measuring 141.3 x 6.55mm. The wellheads were largely prefabricated by BUTTING and closed off with a massive (60mm) blank flange. The welding-neck flanges of the risers were provided with openings to allow a connection to the drilling pump. At the request of the customer, all the longitudinal welds and 10% of the circumferential welds were subjected to an X-ray inspection, followed by a pressure test of all components at 80bar.
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