BSSA reports

The British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA) has published a report aimed at targeting designers and specifiers in applications for stainless steel with significant market potential. Written by Anand Chimmalgi, a MBA student at the University of Sheffield, the report and research on which it was based was sponsored by Coventry Tubes, Lancashire Fittings and NiDI. In the follow-up marketing campaign, copies of “The Suitability and Use of Stainless Steel for Plumbing Applications” have circulated to a target audience of consulting engineers and NHS estates managers. Feedback has been positive and further activities to encourage this application are planned. This article can be downloaded from the website
A second Special BSSA Report has now been produced. Written by Graham Gedge of Ove, Arup & Partners, “The Use of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Bridges” summarises a report originally commissioned by AvestaPolarit and now updated as a group project sponsored by Acerinox, Arcelor (Ugine Savoie), Arminox, AvestaPolarit, Cogne, NiDI, and Valbruna.
A CD Rom will shortly be available, containing the full report and a cost model, which allows users to compare the costs associated with using stainless and/or carbon steel in the bridge sections evaluated in the report, using current market prices. If you would like to order a copy of the CD Rom, please contact Alison Murphy at the BSSA office.

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