Apollo SmartPress® Earns CRN Certification

Aalberts Integrated Piping Systems is pleased to announce that its Apollo SmartPress® product line has obtained the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) for all provinces across Canada. This achievement, accredited by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), represents a significant advancement in our commitment to delivering piping solutions that are of high quality, dependable, and compliant with industry standards.

The CRN serves as a prestigious certification issued by each province or territory in Canada, indicating that a product meets the necessary safety standards. Securing CRN certification for the Apollo SmartPress® line demonstrates that it has undergone thorough testing and meets or exceeds the rigorous safety criteria established by Ontario. This certification provides customers with confidence that they are investing in a product that prioritizes safety and adherence to regulations.

This accomplishment reflects the culmination of meticulous testing and evaluation processes, ensuring that the Apollo SmartPress® line meets the stringent safety standards set by Ontario. With CRN certification, customers can trust that they are selecting a piping solution that not only delivers high performance but also upholds the highest safety standards.

Aalberts Integrated Piping Systems remains dedicated to providing top-tier piping solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. The attainment of CRN certification for the Apollo SmartPress® product line underscores our unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

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