ACERALAVA has forged partnerships with key industry stakeholders in the Baterurgia project, with a focus on advancing technologies for managing the lifecycle of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) using innovative metallurgical processes.
ACERALAVA’s participation in the Baterurgia project underscores its dedication to sustainability and innovation. The project endeavors to deploy robotic and artificial vision solutions for dismantling unusable battery cells and recovering valuable materials, thereby enhancing metal recovery rates and promoting component reuse in new battery production or other industrial sectors.
The recycling of LIB presents a substantial opportunity to diminish reliance on raw materials, while also contributing to environmental preservation by curtailing natural resource extraction and mitigating associated environmental impacts.
Beyond the development of technical solutions, the project aims to establish a precedent for recycling plant development on the Iberian Peninsula, laying the groundwork for a more environmentally friendly future.