Outokumpu stainless steel for Jyväskylä station

Outokumpu has recently supplied Ultra 254 SMO stainless steel grade for Jyväskylä Energy Group’s power station in Jyväskylä, with peat and wood as main fuels, after comprehensive field tests with a wide range of materials. Ultra 254 SMO is one of Outokumpu’s most corrosion resistant grades and performed significantly better in comparison to the lower-alloyed alternatives. Ultra 254 SMO is typically used in challenging environments where standard materials will corrode.

Jyväskylä Energy Group had built a new power station with a 143 meter tall chimney made of coated carbon steel in 2010. However, the circumstances were more aggressive than thought, and in a few years the chimney was in need of renewal. Aleksi Vuorenmaa, Project Manager at Jyväskylä Energy Group, says: “We decided to renew the chimney because of its widespread corrosion damage. We needed a material that could withstand the conditions in the flue gas duct and chimney, while also being cost-efficient. The most important requirement was a high corrosion resistance, and for that reason we chose stainless steel.â€?

In order to find the optimal stainless steel, Outokumpu’s corrosion department in Avesta R&D Center performed two long-term field tests with a wide range of materials, paying attention for weight loss and visible corrosion.

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