HandyTube Corporation’s new CNG Plus tubing is specifically designed for compressed natural gas applications. Its certified construction helps make the transfer of high-pressure gas safe and cost-effective.
According to Marketing Manager Julie Wyatt, HandyTube has an advantage over the competition because the stainless steel tubing it manufactures is seamless and long-length. This eliminates the need for the frequent coupling of shorter lengths together and saves money on welding costs.
HandyTube President, John Coates, talks about his company’s dedication to providing customer solutions instead of just tubing. With constant innovation and an aggressive approach to meeting customer needs, Coates is optimistic about the future role his company will play in the construction of CNG infrastructure. HandyTube products are currently in use globally across a wide spectrum of industries, including aerospace, shipbuilding, and oil and gas.
21st Century Television and its vice president of Programming, J.L. Haber, covered this new technology that could revolutionise the CNG industry. “HandyTube’s seamless tubing is helping to bring the future closer, and we admire that”, Haber stated. “We’re always proud to help get the word out about companies and people who specialise in forward-thinking. HandyTube’s part in helping make CNG auto fuel a reality definitely fulfils that role.”