Suncor best ranked

Suncor Energy Inc., headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada has been ranked best among oil and gas sector companies globally by the Carbon Disclosure Project’s “Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index.” The index highlights companies with the most comprehensive practices relating to climate change governance and disclosure. Suncor’s climate change action plan includes investing in research and technology, developing renewable energy, employing emissions offsets and working with the governments and other stakeholders on education and environmental policy development. Emissions reduction efforts have reduced the greenhouse gas intensity of Suncor’s oil sands operations by nearly half since 1990. However, with crude oil production more than tripling, absolute emissions have increased. The Carbon Disclosure Project represents 385 global institutional investors with more than CND 57 trillion in assets. The index comprises 67 constituents of the Global 500 Index. Analysis is based on disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, emissions reduction targets and risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
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