New hard surfacing wires

Hobart Brothers McKay, headquarted in Troy, Ohio has released VertiWear 600 and VertiWear AP hard surfacing wires. VertiWear 600 wires are suitable for repairing dragline chain, mill guides and coupling boxes, whereas VertiWear AP wires are best suited for crusher jaws and cones, dragline buckets and high-impact applications. Designed for hard surfacing mild- and low-alloy steel components that are prone to moderate abrasive wear and medium to high impact, VertiWear 600 wires deposit a multi-purpose martensitic steel alloy and feature slag removal. VertiWear AP wires also offer an easy-to-remove slag and are best suited for build-up or overlay on austenitic manganese or carbon steel and/or for joining austenitic manganese steel to manganese, carbon, or low-alloy steel. VertiWear 600 wires are available on 25lb spools of .045 and 1/16in diameters and VertiWear AP wires are available in .045in diameter on 25lb spools. Both wires are suitable for out-of-position, multi-pass welding and can operate with either a 100% CO2 or a 75/25 Argon/ CO2 shielding gas mixture.
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