Shanghai Huchang unit orders bar mill

Shanghai Huchang has named Danieli Morgårdshammar to design a new bar mill to process 450,000 metric tons/year for various grades of specialty alloy steels, and of supply key equipment and process technology. The project involves renovating and upgrading the existing plant into a continuous high-capacity mill for high-quality large-size alloy steel bars, 20- to 90-mm in diameter, running at over 100 metric tons/hour. Grades to be processed include structural, automotive alloy, bearing, spring, tool, and stainless steels. The rebuilt mill will have 22 stands (18 of which are Danieli’s new-generation SHS housingless stands), a HiGauge “contactless” bar-diameter measuring unit, and automatic finishing capabilities that include cold sawing, bar counting, bundling, and collecting. The Shanghai Huchang mill will start up late in 2004.

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