Wood wins contract for LNG platform

The Honghua Group Limited has awarded a USD 12M front-end engineering design (FEED) contract to Wood for its LNG platform development in the West Delta area of the Gulf of Mexico.

The main objective of the FEED is to finalize the design of the world’s first offshore platform-based natural gas liquefaction and storage facility. Wood recently completed the pre-FEED for this project.

Wood’s scope of work includes the onshore gas pre-treatment plant configuration and layouts, general utilities, feed gas processing and compression, and transportation and delivery via repurposed pipelines from the existing onshore Toca and Venice, Louisiana, facilities to the LNG facility 10 miles offshore. Once complete, around 2020, gas from the Texas Permian Basin will be transported to the offshore platform where it will be liquefied, stored and ultimately exported globally.

The facility will be designed to produce up to 4.2 million tonnes per year of LNG and to store 300,000 cubic meters of LNG, which is enough to fill 120 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

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