Wood Group supports SWRP with engineering services

Wood Group has been providing engineering support to the Subsea Well Response Project (SWRP), a joint industry project to further improve the prevention of, and response to, subsea well-control incidents. Contracted by Shell, on behalf of the SWRP team, Wood Group Kenny led the way and drew on the expertise of Wood Group Mustang and Wood Group PSN. The energy services company has been supporting the project since 2012, and will continue to do so until the end of 2014.
The true value of the multi-million-pound contract for Wood Group Kenny is the involvement in such an important industry project to improve subsea well control incident-intervention capabilities, according to Wood Group Kenny CEO, Steve Wayman. Wood Group Kenny has delivered the engineering design of subsea equipment, design verification of well testing and topside equipment and development of Subsea Well Containment Guidelines for the further engineering study (FES) phase of the project. Parallel to this, Wood Group Mustang performed the design of the topsides process system as well as the surface equipment package management. Wood Group Mustang also assisted the SWRP with various aspects of HSE management including work to develop safety case deliverables and the ALARP (as low as reasonably practical) case with regards to risk.
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