Wood and KBR secures Crux FEED project

Wood and KBR, Inc. have secured a new multimillion dollar contract to deliver integrated front-end engineering design (FEED) for Shell Australia’s Crux project to build a not normally manned (NNM) platform and gas export pipeline located approximately 600km north of Broome, offshore Western Australia (WA).

The Crux facilities will be an important source of backfill gas supply to the Shell-operated Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility. The remotely operated, minimum facilities NNM platform concept for Crux will dry the gas and export the gas/condensate to Prelude via a new 160km multiphase gas pipeline.

The services will be delivered over 18-months by Wood and KBR’s engineering and project management teams in Perth, WA, supported by Wood’s Kuala Lumpur resource base. The teams will provide a single integrated FEED for the Crux topsides, jacket, export pipeline and subsea pipeline end manifold (PLEM).

Wood and KBR bring together over 80 years of history working in the Australian energy industry combining their collective strengths in subsea engineering and offshore gas processing facilities.

Robin Watson, Wood’s chief executive comments: “This contract win to deliver the next generation of offshore facilities for Shell Australia demonstrates our unrivalled subsea pipeline expertise and offshore engineering capabilities.”

Stuart Bradie, KBR president and CEO, said: “KBR is committed to adding value to our customers. That’s why we are delighted to partner with Wood to bring together two industry leaders to deliver one world-class complimentary team whilst continuing our long relationship with Shell and Perth, Australia.”

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