Vallourec Tube-Alloy, a wholly-owned Vallourec subsidiary specialized in the production and repair of accessories for Oil & Gas wells, has recently opened its new plant in Singapore, to be known as ‘Vallourec Tube -Alloy Asia-Pacific’. This new site will support the Group’s OCTG1 activities by expanding the geographic footprint of Vallourec Tube-Alloy, which until now was mainly centered on 4 production facilities in the USA.

Located in northern Singapore, this new site is specialized in threading VAM® premium connections on wellhead and completion equipment, and in manufacturing turnkey OCTG accessories2. It has annual capacity of 25,000 threads. The unit is fully qualified to undertake the series of operations required to produce VAM® premium connections. The facility is well positioned to support Oil & Gas equipment manufacturers based in Singapore as well as operators based in the region, whose projects require high added-value tubular solutions.
Olivier Mathey, Vice President of Vallourec Tube-Alloy Asia Pacific, explained: ‘Considering the strategic importance of the Asia -Pacific zone for its markets, Vallourec is now strengthening its long-term position in the Singapore region, a major Oil & Gas hub, ready to develop its services and match its customers’ requirements as closely as possible.’