USA: lime-softening plants

The Metropolitan Utilities District of Omaha recently awarded USFilter, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, a more than USD 6 million contract to provide clarification and de-watering technology for its new 100-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) Platte west water treatment plant. As part of the contract, submittal and final design of the equipment will be conducted during the first three months of 2005. The plant will treat water from shallow wells along the Platte river using a lime softening and granular media filtration process from USFilter general filter products. Lime sludge from the softening process will be de-watered using two 300-ft3 recessed chamber filter presses from USFilter de-watering systems. USFilter general filter products will supply six 125ft octagonal contraflo(r) solids contact units for the plant. Each unit will be capable of treating 17.3 MGD during full softening or 26 MGD if split lime softening treatment is used. All sub-merged components that will be used in the project will be constructed of stainless steel. Equipment delivery is scheduled for mid-2006, with plant start-up in late 2007.

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