Oglethorpe Power Corp. will construct a new 605MW, natural-gas-powered “combined-cycle” generating facility in Georgia to help meet the growing energy needs of its members. The corporation recently received final approval from its member EMCs to proceed with the project. The facility, which represents a capital investment of about USD 750 million (including interest during construction), will use natural gas to produce electricity and will gain additional efficiency by capturing waste heat from the combustion process and using it to generate more power. The final location for the project has not yet been determined. However, land already owned by Oglethorpe in Monroe County, as well as several other unspecified sites, will be considered. Over the coming months, Oglethorpe Power will be evaluating several potential sites for the plant, then will make a decision on a preferred location. Construction on the facility would begin in 2013, and the plant would become operational in 2015.